Wednesday, January 05, 2011

It's Coming Fast!

Hello again!

I've been working on a second prayer letter and it is finally finished.  I've copied images of it below so that you can take a read.  I apologize for the quality - this is the only way I know how to do it and they don't allow you to upload word or pdf docs.  If you'd like to be added to the email list where you get the actual file, please email me at  If you live in the southern MB area, there are going to be paper copies available in my church (EMMC) as well.  Or, yet another option, I can mail one to you if you'd like (let me know your address).
Other than that, the prayer letter says it all!  The deadline for when my finances need to be given or pledged is coming up in about five months on June 13th.  And it's only about 8 months until I actually leave.  Wow!  I can hardly believe that time has gone that fast.  Thanks so much for all of your support, and let me know how I can pray for you.



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