Hey there! Here's an article written by my friend Betsy about the Youth Track I've been working on...enjoy!
Youth track comes to Lifehope

“The youth track gives the opportunity to study and reflect on Christian youth work,” says Tami Zacharias, Lifehope youth leader. “This programme teaches you how to think and gives you frameworks and structures.”
The four-month track, launching for the first time this month, is comprised of studying, reflecting, talking and doing. Participants use relevant training materials, participate in regular youth work, reflect on what they are learning and meet with a mentor.
Why not just jump into youth ministry? Tami explains that time spent in purposeful study leads to powerful ministry. ““If you know what your biblical and theological foundation is,” she explains, “you’re able to analyse what the needs are and find ways to meet them instead of just putting things together and hoping it works.”
The youth track handbook states, “…The best ministry comes when we are intentional about it. We’re going to be better youth workers when we know what we want to achieve, and do it on purpose.” The goal of the youth track is to build a foundation which equips youth workers to minister from a biblical basis, regardless of cultural context.
“As I was developing the programme,” says Tami, “I wanted to think cross-culturally. I was very aware that everyone coming into the youth track would be coming from a different context. I wanted to give the students tools and skills that could be used in all cultures.” With the first participants coming from Spain, Bulgaria and Brazil, a cross-cultural approach is vital.
Through the completion of the four-month track, participants will be equipped for current and future youth ministry. Please pray for the youth track students as they walk through the programme. If you are interested in learning more about the youth track at OM Lifehope, click here.
Credit: Betsy Rouse
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